Sometimes a groundbreaking new album

from a new band of known musicians

just drops out of the sky

and changes the landscape.


The Band | Fascination Curve

Karl Lundeberg | keyboards, guitar, vocals
Marc Bonilla | guitar, vocals
Ken Stacey | vocals
Amy Keyes | vocals
Tim Ries | saxophone
Mha Bhati | bass
Gregg Bissonette | drums


The artist | Composer, keyboardist Karl Lundeberg

“What a record! Provocative, daring…“

IO Pages Magazine


“Gorgeous multi-layered music. A powerful statement.

Heaven Magazine

“Karl Lundeberg is a musical alchemist. His music swirls like a magical brew.””

Washington Post
United States   


“Corona Time in Amerika ….a soon to be legendary album…”

Strutter Magazine

“Corona Time in America” Fascination Curve

Album Release Fall 2022